Compliance Test Scripts The following script library is based on the SLIMbus Test Specification developped by LnK.There are more than 120 test scripts in the library. The script files are provided in the ScriptBuilder file format. Use the last release of ScriptBuilder to edit the scripts and generate the corresponding XML file to be used by the SLIMbus Traffic Generator. Download the script library archive here. The scripts files are in a template format. They use literals instead of numerical values. Use the Script Automator functionality of ScriptBuilder to automatically generate a valid script for the Component to be tested. Read the ScriptLibrary.pdf file before starting the Script editing. 24 JAN 2013 : Library update Bug fixes in the DGT15, DGR15, RS2, SR1 and MPC5 script files. 28 JAN 2013 : Library and test specification update Modifications in the SR2 and MPC4 script files. Test specification modified to reflect the changes in the script files (now version 0.70). Changes are listed in the ScriptLibrary.pdf file. |
Application Notes | Description |
AN-001 | Detailed description of all the steps and information required to setup a SLIMbus data channel. |
AN-002 | Procedure to properly configure the APx585 DSIO interface to operate with the SLIMbus Audio Bridge. |
AN-003 | This application note explains how to efficiently use the various clocking options offered by the SLIMbus Audio Bridge.. |
AN-004 | Procedure to build correct stream contents with the SLIMbus Traffic Generator. The document addresses the various transport protocols. |
AN-005 | Procedure to properly configure the AP PSIA interface to operate with the SLIMbus Audio Bridge. |
Audio Bridge Validation Test Scripts The following scripts can be used to validate the performances of the SLIMbus Audio Bridge.They are also very useful to understand how the setup data channels on SLIMbus. The script file are provided in the ScriptBuilder file format. Use the last release of ScriptBuilder to edit the scripts and generate the corresponding XML file to be used by the SLIMbus Traffic Generator. Download the script archive here. A comprehensive document will guide the user through all the required experimentations. Download it and read it first. |